HOME/NEWS/Recipe: Crepes with Macé Broccoli and Pecorino with Lemon Sauce, topinambur slivers and black gomasio
Mace' broccoli and pecorino with lemon sauce as a garnish for tasty crepes with topinambur and black gomasio

Taste is the star!

Ingredients for 12 crepes (about 4 people):

3 eggs 
30 g melted butter
190 gr flour 
375 gr of milk
Macé Broccoli and pecorino with lemon sauce
Topinambur to taste
Black gomasium to taste


In a bowl, whisking the ingredients for the crepes (eggs, milk, flour and melted butter).

When the mixture is smooth and without lumps, heat a nonstick, lightly buttered frying pan; pour in about a ladleful of the mixture. It will be ready in a minute; we continue like this until the mixture is used up (it will be about 12 crespelle).

We stuff the crespelle with the Broccoli and Pecorino with lemon Sauce, creamy and rich in flavor!

We add a crunchy note with thinly sliced, pan seared topinambur and some black gomasio.

These crepes are great either warmed in the pan or in the oven. Perfect for Sunday lunches or apericena!