HOME/NEWS/Baked fennel recipe with a sauce of cauliflower, garlic and chili peppers.
Mace's garlic and chili cauliflower sauce ideal for preparing recipe with baked fennel

An easy, light and healthy plant-based recipe!


Fennel (about one per person)
1/2 lemon (juice and zest)
Cauliflower Sauce with garlic and chili flavouring
Salt and pepper to taste
Olive oil


We start with the fennels: after cleaning them, we cut them into strips or small pieces.

In the meantime we heat a pan with a little olive oil to blanch them quickly; it will be enough to leave them for a couple of minutes.

Now we can transfer them to a baking sheet, pour a few drops of lemon juice, and add zest if we want a more citrusy touch, a pinch of salt and pepper to taste and breadcrumbs (only on the surface).

We bake for 10-15 minutes with the grill function; they will be ready when the breadcrumbs have reached a deep browning.

Now grand finale: we pour the Macé Garlic Chili Cauliflower Sauce over the freshly baked and still very hot fennel, it will release the aroma of the ingredients and give a unique and rich flavor to the dish. Tasty!